Uses of Class

Packages that use NeuralNet
org.strbio.mol.lib.pred2ary These classes represent conceptual objects used in the Pred2ary program, which are probably not very useful for other purposes. 
org.strbio.util These classes perform general purpose utility functions. 

Uses of NeuralNet in org.strbio.mol.lib.pred2ary

Fields in org.strbio.mol.lib.pred2ary declared as NeuralNet
 NeuralNet[] TrainingSet.cnet1
 NeuralNet TrainingSet.cnet4
 NeuralNet TrainingSet.net_2

Methods in org.strbio.mol.lib.pred2ary with parameters of type NeuralNet
 double TPSet.fcut2ary(NeuralNet net, int sample, Printf outfile)
          find best 2ary cutoff
 void TPSet.fcutClass(NeuralNet cnet4, NeuralNet[] cnet1, Printf outfile)
          find cutoff, and compute class stats
 void TPSet.fcutClass(NeuralNet cnet4, NeuralNet[] cnet1, Printf outfile)
          find cutoff, and compute class stats
 double TPSet.fcutLvl2(NeuralNet net, int sample, Printf outfile)
          find cutoff, and compute stats on a training set.
 void TPSet.NetVars.getNetworkStats(int whichnet, NeuralNet n)
          This automatically figures out network topology from a loaded network. 0 = first level 2ary 1 = lvl 2 2ary 2 = class
 void TPSet.predict2ary(NeuralNet net, int sample, Printf outfile)
          do a 2ary prediction
 void TPSet.predict2aryHE(NeuralNet net)
          Predict level 1 H and E using network.
 void TPSet.predictClass(NeuralNet cnet4, NeuralNet[] cnet1, Printf outfile)
          do class prediction
 void TPSet.predictClass(NeuralNet cnet4, NeuralNet[] cnet1, Printf outfile)
          do class prediction
 void TPSet.predictClassRaw(NeuralNet cnet4, NeuralNet[] cnet1)
          predict class using both 4-output and 1-output networks.
 void TPSet.predictClassRaw(NeuralNet cnet4, NeuralNet[] cnet1)
          predict class using both 4-output and 1-output networks.
 void TPSet.predictLvl2(NeuralNet net, int sample, Printf outfile)
          do a prediction
 void TPSet.predictLvl2HE(NeuralNet net)
          do level 2 prediction
 void TrainingSet.Present2ary.presentPatterns(NeuralNet n)
 void TrainingSet.PresentLvl2.presentPatterns(NeuralNet n)
 void TrainingSet.PresentClass4.presentPatterns(NeuralNet n)
 void TrainingSet.PresentClass1.presentPatterns(NeuralNet n)

Uses of NeuralNet in org.strbio.util

Methods in org.strbio.util with parameters of type NeuralNet
 void NeuralNet.Trainable.presentPatterns(NeuralNet n)
          This method should not modify any weights itself; just present all the patterns and call prop() and backprop() for each.